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Our Rules
- No Creek Riding.
- No night riding after 10 pm and before 7 am.
- Keep the park beautiful, ABSOLUTELY NO LITTERING.
- No alcoholic beverages or mind altering substances.
- No discharging of firearms.
- No glass bottles.
- No reckless driving or excessive speed.
- Must wear seatbelt at all times.
- ATV riders must wear helmets.
- Stay on designated trails.
- No slinging gravel on the “good roads”.
- You must use “Tree Savers” when operating winches.
- All participants under the age of 18 must have waiver signed by parent/legal guardian in presence of staff member.
- Riders under 18 must be closely supervised by parent or legal guardian.
- All vehicle drivers must have valid driver’s license.
- SUVs/trucks/side by sides must have fully enclosed, metal cabs and/or roll over protection as well as functioning seat belts.
- All manufacturers recommendations for vehicle operation must be followed.
- Failure to obey rules are grounds for expulsion from the park with no refund of admission price.